Friday 27 October 2023

गृहप्रवेश निमंत्रण पत्रिका | Vastushanti Banner Editing PLP | Vastu shanti Invitation card Marathi plp file | गृहप्रवेश पत्रिका

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 नमस्कार मित्रांनो ,

      मी करण घोंगडे आपल्या नवीन एका ब्लॉग मध्ये सर्वांचे स्वागत करतोय. चला तर मग मित्रांनो कुठला वेळ न दवडता आपल्या आजच्या या ब्लॉग ला सुरुवात करूयात. तर मित्रांनो सर्वात आधी मी तुम्हाला या ब्लॉगमध्ये Vastushanti Banner Editing डिझाईनची (PLP FILE) दिली आहेत त्याबद्दलची माहिती देणार आहे.

तर मित्रांनो तुम्हाला खाली दिसत असेल तर त्या प्रमाणे आपण आज आपली डिझाईन तयार करणार आहोत.

गृहप्रवेश निमंत्रण पत्रिका | Vastushanti Banner Editing

      अशा पद्धतीचे बॅनर तयार करण्यासाठी आपल्याला काही साहित्य सामुग्रीची आवश्यकता लागणार आहे.  Vastushanti Banner Editing ची आवश्यकता पडेल खाली तुम्हाला काही साहित्य आणि सामग्री ची लिस्ट देणार आहे तर त्याप्रमाणे ते सर्व साहित्य तुमचा MOBILE फोन मध्ये असणे आवश्यक आहे.

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कृती :

 मित्रांनो वरत तुम्हाला काय लागत आहे ते सांगितले आहे. ते सर्व तुमच्या मोबाईल मध्ये असणे आवश्यक आहे. जर ते सर्व तुमच्याकडे अवेलेबल नसेल तर खाली मी तुम्हाला DOWNLOAD BUTTON दिलं आहे तर त्या बटन वर क्लिक करून तुम्ही ते सर्व डाऊनलोड करू शकता. तर मित्रांनो या सोबतच तुम्ही अजून दुसरा कोणता मटेरियल जरी लागत असेल तर तेसुद्धा मटेरियल तो मला त्या ठिकाणी दिलेला आहे तर त्या ठिकाणी सुद्धा तुम्ही ते मटेरियल डाऊनलोड करू शकता आणि वापरू शकता.


What Is Cryptocurrency ?

The word cryptocurrency is taken from the Latin words “coin” and “currencies.” With cryptocurrency, you can exchange your virtual currency with others and trade for goods and services. So, in this article we are going to define what cryptocurrency is, show examples of how it works, explain its benefits and drawbacks, and look into how cryptocurrency is used today and where it goes next.

What is Crypto?

Crypto means new or not-so-new money that can be exchanged for different types of fiat currencies (bills, coins). This digital coin has a value that could appreciate over time, similar to currency, except it doesn’t have a specific quantity. It is based on cryptography. In crypto, cryptocurrencies are traded using blockchain technology. Blockchain is a network of connected computers called nodes. When you send a transaction to an address on one of these computers, they verify it by sending back a confirmation message to you. If it’s true, the computer confirms and records it in their database. From then on, all transactions in the system are recorded in the same chain of blocks.

Blockchain refers to a type of distributed ledger technology – which is decentralized – that allows secure payments between individuals without a central authority. Because blockchain technology is open source, anyone can participate and build on top of it. That way, there’s more security and reliability than if people had to rely on banks, who would run as if they were under attack. Additionally, the use of cryptocurrency has led many countries to ban or restrict the trading of traditional payment gateways like cash. To facilitate the transition into a fully digital economy, governments and regulators around the world are developing digital solutions such as bitcoin and other cryptos, including cryptocurrencies like stablecoin. But before we go further into what cryptocurrency is and how it works, let us find out what does “cryptocurrency” mean?

What is Cryptocurrency? Why Use It?

Crypto is a form of Digital Currency that allows users to transfer funds between each other across large networks within the Internet. These transfers occur through electronic messaging systems such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, etc.. Such digital assets can also be transferred between businesses, government organizations, and citizens. As these transactions happen, these smart contracts come into existence. Smart contracts allow for automated execution and enforcements of agreements related to financial transactions. These contracts may involve any number of participants and are meant to govern future actions or outcomes. By using smart contract technology, you’re essentially giving up control over your own assets and wealth. For example, when you buy a coffee at Starbucks, those transactions may include paying a certain amount of tax if you use Bitcoin instead of cash, depending on the nature of your business. Other companies might pay you later to use Bitcoin on your behalf. You don’t know the exact value of the bitcoins you spend, but you might be able to recognize that this is happening when you see someone else spending a bitcoin equivalent. Since these transactions are automatically executed by the software, no human interventions have been required. They don’t need a person or bank account to execute them; it all happens automatically, ensuring total privacy and transparency for everyone involved. And since most transactions are performed online, the user doesn’t need an internet connection to perform them. All they’re interested in is completing the sale, earning interest on their investment and getting rid of their virtual wallet balance.

Nowadays, most industries use this method of performing digital transactions across multiple platforms because it reduces friction and ensures full anonymity, transparency, and integrity. The cost of using conventional payments may be reduced, while the costs associated with handling physical documents may increase significantly. Some users prefer working with cryptocurrency for several reasons. First of all, it is convenient for individuals because they can carry it anywhere, regardless of whether they are physically present in the country. Secondly, it provides individuals with greater autonomy and flexibility. Users can make their own decisions on how much control they want over each component of the deal. Thirdly, the fact that it operates beyond the borders of a single country makes it a versatile asset that can be useful for international expansion. Lastly, it can be used for short-term gains due to inflationary tendencies since individuals often do not need access to long-term income or investment strategies.

Benefits Of Cryptocurrencies

Here are some of the major benefits of crypto that make it worth your attention:

1. More Privacy With Decentralized Networking

Cryptocurrency uses a non-public public key infrastructure known as blockchains. Therefore, it cannot be traced by authorities. There’s no real-world middleman involved because everything moves through the network. This implies that your information will remain private even if the company that owns it decides to leak it. Furthermore, the data on a particular user won’t be available to another party unless it was bought, sold, or rented. Your identity and location information remains anonymous because only an individual needs a public key to connect to the network. However, once the public key has been shared, it becomes publicly visible to users’ respective parties. Once someone has access to the user’s private keys, he or she can view his or her entire history – which includes previous and current addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, payment details, investments, etc.. One advantage of having such a public cryptographic network is that potential attackers cannot target the users’ wallet addresses or encrypt them or steal data or even clone the wallet. Due to encryption, hackers can’t gain access to a user’s information easily. Moreover, the system of identifying oneself via a unique set of codes that we will discuss in detail shortly is tamperproof. Let me briefly outline how it works; users’ devices store unique sets of passwords for every transaction they take part in. Whenever someone gets access to them, he or she cannot change or reset them. The device sends encrypted messages back for verification and authentication. After successful integration with the public keys, the user’s address can be displayed on screen. Then, the recipient receives a message telling him or woman about how their transaction went and the final result of the transaction. Only after successful identification and logging in to the website, the user gets the answer. If the client wishes to get some additional help, he or she may call for support by clicking the option of live chat or calling the dedicated support line. The client receives a request to confirm the status of his or her transaction, whether it has gone right or wrong and what their options are if things didn’t go according to plan. A transaction is complete if the two parties agree to the conditions set forth at the beginning. If the transaction was completed successfully, the client gets the requested percentage of their funds. Otherwise, the transaction is canceled.

2. Accessibility Even Without An Account

Another significant benefit of implementing cryptocurrency is the lack of banking fees. People who work for themselves or work remotely can utilize cryptocurrency to pay wages or rent instead of relying on local money that fluctuates daily. For instance, in case you don’t have an employee or employer but just want to pay bills, the following examples can suffice:

Suppose I have an iPhone 12 and Apple Pay – How Will My Monthly Bill Would Look Like?

If you don’t need the Apple Wallet and have enough free credit in your bank account, your bill would look the same as what other Android phones’ bills look like. Similarly, if I choose the Coinbase App to pay my monthly utility charges, I can send an email to my Gmail account with a link to the Apple Wallet and add cryptocurrencies with the relevant amounts of Ethereum. Similarly, I can also check my net worth every week. Here’s How My Net Worth Would Be Calculated.

3. No Taxation On Earnings

Even though you have earned money via crypto, you might still be subject to taxation in the United States. Unlike in the US, you won’t owe taxes if you sell assets or invest them. According to Bloomberg, if you convert a rental property into cryptocurrency, and you hold onto the purchase, the capital gain is subtracted from your gross profits. It means that you might not incur losses for the tax that you pay for owning the property. Thus, you’ll always pay tax only when selling, renting and transferring the asset. Another interesting thing is that no state regulations apply and the federal laws only require that the purchaser must report earnings by filing a 1040A tax return (you can file one yourself by using Form1040). Every year, IRS releases guidance on how cryptocurrency should be taxed. However, the guidelines are highly technical, and IRS tends to ignore them. Hence, crypto enthusiasts will have to decide for themselves whether they want to submit annual filings or not.

4. Reduced Need To Invest Money

Unlike savings accounts, which you get withdrawal of money you earn through your job, you can contribute directly to your portfolio using crypto coins. In addition to the abovementioned advantages, people can now invest in cryptos without investing in stocks and bonds in a manner similar to stock market trading. As opposed to buying shares, buying crypto requires little effort as compared to buying a share in the stock exchange. You just need to make sure that you have enough of anything you think is safe, such as USDT, ETH, DOT, Tether, Litecoin, DogeCoin, RUSD, MATIC or Binance Coin. Anybody can start his/her journey to crypto investing by purchasing enough tokens. Furthermore, many online brokers provide low trading commissions for crypto trades. For example, if you trade $100 worth of Ether at 0.005 ETH /share, you can get $100 in commissions for doing so. Also, your trades with no profit will not give you any commission, unlike when you buy

तर मित्रांनो अशी डिझाईन तयार करण्यासाठी आपल्याला एका ॲप्लिकेशनची आवश्यकता आहे.

तर त्या एप्लिकेशन च नाव आहे. (PIXELLAB APPLICATION ) एप्लीकेशन तुम्हाला प्लेस्टोर PLAYSTORE वर मिळून जाईल. जर त्या ठिकाणी तुम्हाला भेटला नाही तर ॲप्लिकेशन डाऊनलोड करण्यासाठी आपल्या टेलिग्राम ग्रुप ला जॉईन करू शकता. त्या ठिकाणी हे आपलिकेशन मी तुम्हाला फ्री मध्ये दिलेला आहे TELEGRAM CHANNEL जॉईन केल्यानंतर तुम्हाला त्या ठिकाणी PINS नावाचा एक ऑप्शन येईल तर ते ऑप्शन वर क्लिक करून तुम्हाला ॲप्लिकेशन तुमच्या मोबाईल फोन मध्ये डाऊनलोड किंवा इन्स्टॉल करून घ्यायचा आहे. डाउनलोड लिंक पिन केलेली आहे याची काळजी घ्यावी .

आपल्या TELEGRAM CHANNEL ची लिंक तुम्हाला खाली दिलेल्या जॉईन बटनवर मिळून जाईल.

(getButton) #text=(Telegram Join) #icon=(link) #color=(#2339bd)

          तुम्ही आपला TELEGRAM CHANNEL जॉईन केल्यानंतर तुम्हाला Pixellab APPLICATION ची डाउनलोड LINK त्या ठिकाणी PIN केलेली दिसून येईल त्या या लिंक वर क्लिक करून तुम्ही ते APPLICATION DOWNLOAD करू शकता.Pixellab APPLICATION DOWNLOAD केल्यानंतर आपल्याला,

          वरती मे जो तुम्हाला साहित्य आणि सामग्री  Vastushanti Banner Editing तुम्हाला डाऊनलोड करायला सांगितलं होतं तर ते मटेरियल जर तुम्ही डाऊनलोड केलं असेल तर तुम्हाला मी ज्या पद्धतीचे डिझाईन सांगितले त्या पद्धतीचे डिझाईन तयार करता येईल जर तुम्ही ते मटेरियल अजून सुद्धा डाउनलोड केलं नसेल तर ते मटेरिअलची DOWNLOAD लिंक परत तुम्हाला खाली देत आहे तर त्या लिंक वर क्लिक करून तुम्ही ते MATERIAL DOWNLOAD करू शकता.

(getButton) #text=(Download PLP File) #icon=(download) #color=(#1bc517)

         तर मित्रांनो मटेरियल डाउनलोड झाल्यानंतर तुम्हाला मी जे खाली व्हिडिओ देत आहे तर तो व्हिडिओ तुम्हाला पाहून घ्यायचा आहे.

           तर मित्रांनो तुम्हाला वरती जे WATCH FULL TUTORIAL नावाचं बटन दिसत असेल तर त्या बटन वर तुम्हाला क्लिक करायचा आहे, त्या ठिकाणी क्लिक केल्यानंतर तुम्हाला आपल्या यूट्यूब चैनल ओपन होईल आणि त्या ठिकाणी जाऊन तुम्हाला हा विडिओ पूर्ण बघून घ्यायचा आहे तर त्या व्हिडिओमध्ये मी तुम्हाला पूर्ण स्टेप बाय स्टेप माहिती दिलेली आहे तर त्यामध्ये कोणती स्टेप मिस न करता तुम्ही पूर्ण व्हिडिओ बघून घ्या त्यानंतर तुम्हाला मी जशी वर ते डिझाइन दाखवली होती तशा पद्धतीचे डिझाईन तयार करू शकता.

(getButton) #text=(Watch Tutorial Video) #icon=(link) #color=(#2339bd)

          तर मित्रांनो या व्हिडिओमध्ये मी जे काही मटेरियल वापरला असेल त्या सर्व मटेरियल चे डाउनलोड लिंक तुम्हाला वरती दिलेली आहे तर वरती जो तुम्हाला DOWNLOAD PLP फाईल नावाचं बटण दिसत असेल तर त्या DOWNLOAD PLP फाईल नावाच्या बटनावर तुम्हाला क्लिक करायचा आहे त्या ठिकाणी क्लिक केल्यानंतर तुम्हाला मी जे वापरलेला मटेरियल आहे तर ते सर्व मटेरियल तुम्हाला भेटून जाईल.


  सोबतच जर तुम्ही अशा पद्धतीचे डिझाईन तयार केली असेल तर ती डिझाईन सुद्धा तुम्ही मला इंस्टाग्राम ला Tag करू शकता माझी जी काही इंस्टाग्राम आयडी असेल तर ती आयडी वरचा तुम्हाला बटन दिसत आहे तर त्या बटन वर दिलेली आहे तर तुम्हाला त्या बटनावर क्लिक करायचा आहे आणि त्या बटन वर क्लिक केल्यानंतर तुम्ही माझ्या इंस्ताग्रम आयडी ला वर येऊन जासाल त्याठिकाणी आल्याचा नंतर तुम्ही मला मेसेज वगैरे करू शकता सोबतच तुम्ही तुमच्या DESIGN मला TAG करू शकता.

        मित्रांनो आजच्या या ब्लॉगमध्ये  Vastushanti Banner Editing बद्दल पूर्ण माहिती सांगितलेली आहे तर तुम्हाला कोणती स्टेप मीस न करता पूर्ण हा ब्लॉग वाचून घ्यायचा आहे.  

       चला तर मग मित्रांनो आजच्या या ब्लॉगमध्ये एवढंच होतं भेटूयात पुढच्या चा अशाच एका नवीन आणि इंटरेस्टिंग ब्लॉग मध्ये तोपर्यंत काळजी घ्या.






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